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Above are two brides marrying men in circumstances that changed history. Both wore tailored looks on their wedding day. Did they want to keep the nuptials low key or did Camilla and Wally
just feel more like themselves well tailored? Maybe it was a little of both. Lately more brides are considering the suit alternative. I'm getting emails like this one.

I’m 38, professional and getting married in New York this October. I’ve done the salons from the east to west side hoping to find something with more tailoring and less frill. Not much luck. Even the alternatives feel too Mother-of –the-Brideish for me. I’m thinking custom design/tailoring and hoped we might experiment with the idea of a suit or coat. Any thoughts?
By all means consider that suit or some form thereof. Something about a well-tailored suit on the right bride suggests a certain élan—she projects sophistication and independence. The good news is, for the most important day of your life, you can wear a suit instead of ‘The Dress’ without being mistaken for a Bride’s Mom. You’ll just have to hunt a different direction than the traditional bride to find those clean lines and fabrics you like so much. Read more . . .


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