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Check out the new chic from my 'Dioresque' series, a capsule collection of 1950s-inspired dresses. 'Marisol' is the first off the work table. Inspiration for this dress along with a few other gems I'm working on began when my girlfriends all chipped in and got me about 16 yards of cotton Georgette for my birthday. Yes, you heard that right, cotton Georgette. With this, I was able to make 4 samples with cinched bodices atop oodles of skirt and petticoats.
Of course the cotton Georgette was a limited run and quickly consumed by my fervent sample making. However, I tracked down some practically identical linen Georgette. Also the linen is eco-chic.
What I love about these tea-length dresses is they dress up well with accessories. We tried both hats and veils, gloves and no gloves; large and small florals, every type from carried-in-your-arms-like-a-newborn bouquets as well as those small nosegay arrangements. Just about everything works with this dress. Personally, I love the 'New Look' wide-brimmed hat swathed in tulle. These photos are already up on my website and I've had so many comments, about this hat in particular.

A little 1950s background here on bridal chic. Back then it was trendy to wear sheer dresses made out of organza or Georgette over an under bodice. Liz Taylor's dress by Helen Rose for her role in Father of the Bride is a good example of the style and one widely copied by stores and manufacturers of the time. So is the pattern below.

If you want a fascinating read on 1950s bridal couture, visit Vintage Fashion
History, a site chock-a-block full of interesting info on the origins of hourglass silhouettes like these.


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