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Lovin' those 1950-60s styles? Well tune on in here.  Movies and TV inspire us because there's actually some drama going on behind all that lace and taffeta.  Paired up with great sets and styling, what bride to be wouldn't covet costume designer Janie Bryant's magnificent styling here?  This is actually Janie's mom's wedding dress adapted for actress Elizabeth Rice who plays Roger Sterling's daughter on Madmen. The plot thickened a couple seasons back when Margaret's wedding fell on the day after JFK's assassination.  Check out the topping here. I've been trying to figure out a way to do up a head piece like this for years.  Thanks Janie.

What woman doesn't want to march down the aisle solo and spotlit on her wedding day?  I always thought double weddings were a wee bit unrealistic unless there was a war on and you had to double up with someone else for your nups because any second you could be blown to bits.  In this glitzy movie, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, nothing is realistic.  In fact the plot gets flimsier as the costumes and choreography only get better.  Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell here are dressed to the nines, as they march down the aisle in unison singing, 'We're Just Two Little Girls From Little Rock'. Watching this technocolor flick is worth the wait to the end just to glimpse these lace frocks with nipped waists, so charachteristic of their day . . .


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